Mid-Year Global Market Outlook

Navigate the Financial Landscape with Expert Insights
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Welcome to the Mediolanum International Funds Mid-Year Global Market Outlook.

As we reach the midpoint of 2024, our in-depth report offers a thorough examination of the key trends, risks, and opportunities that will shape global financial markets in the months ahead. This report is tailored for professionals in the financial industry, providing the crucial information needed to make informed decisions in a dynamic market environment.

Key Insights

1. The end of the inflation story

What's happening

Inflation, a dominant force since 2020, is subsiding. Central banks are achieving their targets, though rates remain slightly elevated.

What you will learn:
  • Current inflation dynamics and their implications

  • Forecast scenarios and market outcomes as inflation stabilizes 


2. Higher-for-longer interest rates

What's happening

Growth companies in the tech sector lead the equity rally, navigating the higher interest rate environment.

What you will learn:
  • Performance of growth companies under higher interest rates

  • Investment opportunities in short-term bonds and emerging market debt 

3. Improved global growth

What's happening

Emerging markets, led by India and China, are driving global growth, while Europe is set to narrow its growth gap with the US.

What you will learn:
  • Opportunities and risks in emerging markets

  • Benefits of strategic regional diversification in developed markets 

4. Sustainability transition

What's happening

The global push for sustainability opens new avenues in green buildings, electric vehicles, and green bonds.

What you will learn:
  • Investment potential in sustainable sectors

  • Trends in energy-efficient real estate and regulatory impacts 


5. Political influences

What's happening

Upcoming global elections, including in the US, will significantly impact market dynamics.

What you will learn:
  • How political outcomes can affect currency, trade, and economic stability

  • Strategies to mitigate political risk in investments 

Watch the video - Mid Year Global Market Outlook

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